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A Wal-mart Wow!

Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a big fan of Wal-mart. While they have low prices, there is also the long lines and often overcrowded stores. Target just makes my life easier! Anywho, while strolling the aisles today, I found what I'd like to call a Wal-mart wow! Bic multi-purpose lighters for .25! I had to do a double take at the price tag to make sure I was reading it correctly. Apparently these special edition flag designs have been marked down. I usually use these for lighting candles, but they are also great for lighting charcoal for grilling. I was able to restrain myself and only purchase 4 but we can safely say I'll be "lit" for a while! 

BIC multi-purpose lighters (American flag special edition) @ Wal-mart

Original price: 3.97
Mark down price: .25

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