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My Baby Is Smiling Now - I Have A Solution For His Blocked Nose

My Baby Is Smiling Now - I Have A Solution For His Blocked Nose

Being a mother is a blessing but not an easy task. Before getting pregnant we (me and my husband) both were mentally prepared to have a baby and we were very sure that we can bring up the new life in a perfect way.  Hence, time flew and the delivery date came nearer and one night I gave birth to our little bundle of joy. When I held him in my arms for the first time, I promised my little soul to protect him from all evil eyes and problems. When a new life comes to this world, it isn't a smooth journey for him/her at all. It has been a couple of years and my son is a toddler now, but still I feel the same protectiveness for him.
Due to drastic weather changes, kids and babies often fall sick. Fever, cold, cough is very common during these days because of high pollution. When the baby is sick and cranky, a mother can't sit calm. Cold and cough always bring nasal congestion along and it is really irritating for my baby and me!

Blocked nose creates difficulties in breathing, since babies are obligatory nose breathers. This makes them irritated. Babies become cranky and keep crying without any reason. They also can't sleep peacefully because of the blocked nose. They don't want to eat food and sometimes throw up. Because of nasal congestion babies stay disturbed the whole day and night, which has a bad effect on their body and overall growth.  My son also faces the same things whenever he is attacked by a cold and cough. Being a mom, I feel very restless seeing my baby in pain. But now I have found a solution and i.e. Nasivion nose drops. This is an awesome solution to unblock my baby's blocked nose. I just instill 1-2 drops and my baby finally gets some much-needed relief. Wait, let me tell you about the range of nasal drops by Nasivion in detail.

Nasivion has nasal drops for different age groups of kids. Nasivion mini 0.01% nasal drops for babies from newborn to 1 year and Nasivion pediatric 0.025% nose drops for kids from 1-6 years of age.
Nasivion mini 0.01% nasal drops has 0.01mg of oxymetazolin hudrochloride USP (active ingredient) in buffered aqueous solution.  Now the dosages are like this: for babies up to 4 weeks old, you can instill 1 drop of the solution into each nostrils 2-3 times a day. And for babies from 5 weeks to 1 year, instill 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.
Nasivion pediatric 0.25% nasal drop has 0.25mg oxymetazolin hudrochloride USP (active ingredient) in buffered aqueous solution. For kids of age group 1-6 years  instill 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day or as per the physician.
As the nasal drop has oxymetazolin hudrochloride, you shouldn't use it longer than 10 consecutive days. Additionally, always consult your pediatrician before. There is a dropper with the bottle; hence, it is easy to instill.  Once you instill and the baby will be able to breathe properly for 12 hours, which is appreciable.
** Nasivion Nasal Saline Solution is considered the first line of treatment, as it is safe and can be used by anyone. If the problem is aggravated then, after consulting the doctor, one can opt for Nasivion (Mini) Baby Nose Drops or Nasivion Pediatric (Child) Nose drops depending on the age of the child.

For more information regarding Nasivion nasal drops, please refer to the below sites.


Hope you found this post helpful... See you with an exciting topic again... Till then take care.

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