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"Lost" Explained by Cats (and That's All the "Lost" I Know)

A few years ago, I tried to get caught up with Lost on DVD. I watched the first episode and half of the second one and then threw my hands in the air, frustrated that I didn't know what the fuck was going on, and sighed, "I can't commit to this!"

But it didn't mean that the show didn't interest me. I would read spoilers online and try to get friends to explain island mythology to me. But you know what? I still didn't know what the fuck was going on. I recall a specific conversation that went like this:

PRINCE: So what did the monster end up being? A dinosaur?


PRINCE: Wait. There are no dinosaurs on the island?


PRINCE: Then what was the monster?

GABRIEL: It was a cloud of smoke.

PRINCE: Ha ha ha ha ha! No, no, really, what was it?

GABRIEL: A cloud of smoke.

PRINCE: Wait. You're serious?


PRINCE: Seriously?


At which point, I threw threw my hands in the air and sighed, "I can't commit to this!"

Thankfully, a bunch of cats recap Lost for me. Watch:

[Thanks to Louise Larsen and Howard Ho.]

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