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Sophie Drakeford Lewis netball, sex and mess

Sophie Drakeford Lewis netball, sex and mess

Sophie Drakeford Lewis is a netball player and is one of the better players for Team Bath. She is known for the yellow bow that she often wears during games. She is a very attractive player with an incredible body. She had a secret crush on Mr. G.. She never told anyone, but she would often fantasise about him and getting messed by him. She was shocked when she received a request for her to appear on his show. She did not think that she was very famous. She never expected to be asked to appear on a national television show. Of course, she agreed straight away. She was warned that the theme of the show was going to netball… and sex.” She and Mr. G. began to exchange text messages about this:

Mr. G.: I just want to let you know at this stage, the theme is of the show is netball and… well sex. It is going to be potentially quite and adult themed episode. You don’t have to appear if you don’t want to. I understand if you are not comfortable with that.

SDL: The more adult the better. I’ll just pretend that it is just the two of us.

Mr. G.: We actually could do it like a one to one interview. It would be quite intimate. We will be asking some very revealing questions.

SDL: Well you never know what will be revealed. I have a feeling quite a bit.

Mr. G.: Be sure to wear your netball dress as well. It really suits you.

SDL: Of course, I was hoping you would say that.

Sophie was being flirty without revealing too much. She was actually quite shy, but she really fancied imagining what would happen. She had imagined it for a long time. Although she was shy and a bit embarrassed, the embarrassment and thought of getting messy and embarrassed really turned her on as well.

She wore her yellow Team Bath netball outfit along with her bow on the day. The two were to be sat across from one another in a Diane Sawyer style interview format. The two shook hands and took their chairs. They did not say much before the cameras began to roll. She felt quite flush with anticipation.

Sophie took her seat, crossing her legs, sending her skirt further up her legs. Mr. G. then started the interview. “Sophie Drakeford Lewis, netball star for Team Bath, thank you so much for joining us today." “My pleasure,” she responded. “So, you know why we are here today. There is going to be some slightly naughty, embarrassing and personal questions that we will be asking.” She took a deep gulp. “This is between you and me right?,” she joked, knowing that this would be broadcast. “It’s ok, I am willing to reveal anything and everything,” she said. “I hope you don’t come to regret that,” he joked,” Ok then here we go.”

“So, what goes on in the locker room before a game? I mean you have the whole team there do you all get changed into your uniforms?” “Yeah we all get changed right there.” “So are there changing rooms or an open locker room?” “It’s open,” she said looking a bit more embarrassed. “So, do you all get changed in front of one another? I mean do you all see one another? Have you seen your team mates?” “Yeah, it’s kind of embarrassing actually. We have to change in front of one another in the locker room. Most of the time before the game we are just down to our underwear, but it there are quite a few of us at once, so it’s a bit up close and personal. Maybe I will invite you sometime,” she joked.

“What about after the game. Do you have to take a shower?” “We do yes.” “Are there stalls or is it open?” Sophie blushed. “It’s open. We all shower in there. So yes it is hard to avoid seeing one another naked. There are about a dozen naked women washing at once.”

“So I have always wondered what you guys wear under your uniforms.” “Well, play your cards right and you may find out later on,” she joked. “Usually it is a sports bra and special panties.” “So, this is the question that I think everyone has pondered for a while, which makes you sweatier, netball or sex?” Sophie laughed and blushed. “I can’t think of a way to measure it. I don’t have a lot to go by though. I play netball constantly and have not had sex in forever.” “So, which would you choose to do if you had a choice, play netball or have sex?” She laughed and blushed heavily. “Oh that is so embarrassing. Sex ok,” she blurted out.

“Well, this has been a revealing interview hasn’t it? It is now time for the moment that everyone has been waiting for though. Sophie, you know this is a messy show and it is time to start getting messy. Seeing as you play for Team Bath, we have a nice bath set up just for you. If you come with me.” She stood up and they walked out to the studio together. A bath tub was set up for her. She looked at it and laughed. She raised one leg and placed it inside and then the other. She then sat down in the tub stretching her legs in front of her. Her skirt went all the way up her long legs.

“Sophie, are you ready for your bath?,” he asked. “Yes, I am ready to get dirty,” she replied,” You have to do it to me though.” He started with baked beans. He was handed a large bucket of sloppy baked beans. He looked down on the long legged netball player and took aim. He began to dump the beans over her head. Some stuck to her bow and rolled down her head and shoulders. He then directed more down all over her legs as he moved the tipping bucket down across her body, dumping beans all over her as he went. The camera showing beans running down her naked legs. Her socks stained in bean juice. Beans stuck all over her uniform, staining it. More rolled down her back.

Next to come was mushy peas. He was given a second bucket. She closed her eyes as he dumped this over her head. Lumps of it stuck to the top of her head and to her dark hair. Mushy peas rolled down her chest and down her body. Mess was collecting in the tub as she squirmed in it. It was as if she was having a messy bath.

He then took two jugs of gravy and began to pour them over her. One over her head and face, the other all over her bare legs. She loved the idea of him pouring it all over her body. She opened her legs back and forth as they were splashed in sloppy brown gravy. Her yellow uniform had blotchy stains all over it. She squirmed and laughed.

He then began to pour soggy spaghetti all over her. Strands stuck all over her head. Sauce rolled down her face. Large lumps stuck all over her body. She actually took handfuls and scooped them onto her legs and arms herself. There was a shot of spaghetti stuck all over her legs and down onto her socks. It smelled awful as it stick all over her body. She stuck her tongue out to the side of her mouth. It dawned on her that her teammates would be watching this and loving every second of it.
He then finished her off by dumping lasagne over her. She took handfuls and rubbed it around on her face, hair and chest. She closed her eyes and sighed. The bath tub was filled up to her waist. She was waist deep in mess now.

To finish things off, as they were having a bathroom theme, he invited her to take a seat on the Giant Flush. She stood up and let the mountains of mess fall from her body. She still had mess stuck everywhere on her body. She was helped out of the tub and took her seat on the Giant Flush. “Sometimes I need this during the games,” she joked. Her bottom rested on the small toilet. Her mess covered legs wrapped around the porcelain. He pulled the flusher on her. She looked up as the toilet flushing sound filled the air. A giant tidal wave of brown gunge poured down over her. In an instant she was covered almost totally in running brown mess. Her longs legs and gorgeous body were dripping in mess. She laughed and gave a thumbs up.

Her netball outfit was framed and retired to a special wall of fame that Mr. G. had set up. It also had a picture of her in it. A picture of her covered in mess and a picture of her after taking it off. Her bow and socks were included. Sophie did not want the evening to end there.

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