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The Liebster Award

Hello lovelies, welcome back to my channel. First off, I wanted to say a special thanks to the sisters (sorry I couldn't find your names on your page!) from sister hearts7 for nominating me for this award! As you all you might know, this award gives new bloggers a great opportunity to answer personal questions and be more interactive with the blogging community which is awesome!

I will be answering the 10 questions that Sister Hearts 7 has asked and will also be coming up with another 10 questions and nominating 10 bloggers (under 200 followers) in this post! I would love to interact with new bloggers since I am one myself :)

  1. What made you want to start a blog?
    I started a blog because my friend from Sincerely Blushaholic persuaded me to start a beauty blog. I was a little nervous at the start because I hadn't blogged for a very long time and thought that there wouldn't be anyone who would be interested in reading it! But now I love blogging and enjoy informing my readers on new products :)
  2. What social networking site do you spend the most time on?
    It would probably be a fight between Instagram or Twitter. They're the first social networks I jump on right when I wake up! 
  3. What is your favorite store to shop at?
    Oooh this is a hard one! For makeup I would definitely have to say Priceline but for fashion and accessories .. I'm not too sure!
  4. What is your go-to beauty product?
    I think it would be lipstick/lip balm! I have a unhealthy obsession with lip products and I need at least one everywhere I go! I love the Revlon Lustrous Collection and right now I am leaning towards the shade Liptember Pink which I purchased at Chemist Warehouse! 
  5. What is your favorite season of the year?
    I think Summer would be my favourite because I love the atmosphere, the fashion trends and the season itself. Although there are super hot hot days, I enjoy spending my time out in the sun (with sunscreen of course!) 
  6. What is your favorite article of clothing?
    It would have to be .. my black skater skirt! This is a staple in my wardrobe because it can be dressed up or down. I can throw this on with a crop top and flats then run out the door!
  7. What is your go-to outfit?
    Leggings, statement top, classic cardigan, chunky necklace, flats, sunnies then out the door!
  8. What celebrity best describes your style?
    Ooh this is hard, umm I would probably have to say .. Jen from Clothes Encounters! She's not a celebrity but her fashion channel is awesome and I would say she is one of my fashion inspirations! 
  9. What is one thing that you have always wanted to do/try, but haven't yet?
    Bungee Jumping or Sky Diving! I would love love love to try it one day!
  10. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
    Right now? I would choose America and travel around Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orlando and of course, New York City. 
So the 10 bloggers I would like to nominate are:
  1. http://honeyoffathorn.blogspot.com.au/
  2. http://www.beautyholicsanonymous.com/
  3. http://allherprettylittlethings.blogspot.com.au/
  4. http://www.justplaindelirious.com/
  5. http://www.foxandmint.blogspot.com.au/
  6. http://thatlittlewhitedress.wordpress.com/
  7. http://the411shopaholicsanonymous.blogspot.com.au/
  8. http://www.spotthebeautyblogger.blogspot.com.au/
  9. http://triedandtestedblog.wordpress.com/
  10. http://rosycheekssite.wordpress.com/
And my questions for you guys are:
  1. What is one thing you can't live without? And it can be anything in the world!
  2. What's your favourite food?
  3. Which YouTube Guru inspires your makeu-up/fashion looks?
  4. Drug store make up or high end make up? And why?
  5. How many shoes do you have in your wardrobe?
  6. Do you prefer blushers or bronzers? Why?
  7. What makeup product are you leaning towards buying but haven't yet?
  8. If you had to use ONE makeup product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  9. Are you a denim, leggings, track suits, shorts or skirt person?
  10. If you had one wish, what would it be?
Thank you again Sister Hearts 7 for nominating me, I had a lot of fun answer your questions! To the nominated bloggers, please leave your link down below in this post if you have answered my questions! But until then, I hope everyone has a nice day!

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